1 /**
2  * This module provides API using Request structure.
3  *
4  * Structure Request provides configuration, connection pooling, cookie
5  * persistance. You can consider it as 'Session' and reuse it - all caches and settings will effective
6  * for next requests.
8  * Some most usefull settings:
10 $(TABLE
11  $(TR
12   $(TH name)
13   $(TH type)
14   $(TH meaning)
15   $(TH default)
16  )
17  $(TR
18   $(TD keepAlive)
19   $(TD `bool`)
20   $(TD use keepalive connection)
21   $(TD `true`)
22  )
23  $(TR
24   $(TD verbosity)
25   $(TD `uint`)
26   $(TD verbosity level $(LPAREN)0, 1, 2 or 3$(RPAREN))
27   $(TD `16KB`)
28  )
29  $(TR
30   $(TD maxRedirects)
31   $(TD `uint`)
32   $(TD maximum redirects allowed $(LPAREN)0 to disable redirects$(RPAREN))
33   $(TD `true`)
34  )
35  $(TR
36   $(TD maxHeadersLength)
37   $(TD `size_t`)
38   $(TD max. acceptable response headers length)
39   $(TD `32KB`)
40  )
41  $(TR
42   $(TD maxContentLength)
43   $(TD `size_t`)
44   $(TD max. acceptable content length)
45   $(TD `0` - unlimited)
46  )
47  $(TR
48   $(TD bufferSize)
49   $(TD `size_t`)
50   $(TD socket io buffer size)
51   $(TD `16KB`)
52  )
53  $(TR
54   $(TD timeout)
55   $(TD `Duration`)
56   $(TD timeout on connect or data transfer)
57   $(TD `30.seconds`)
58  )
59  $(TR
60   $(TD proxy)
61   $(TD `string`)
62   $(TD url of the HTTP/HTTPS/FTP proxy)
63   $(TD `null`)
64  )
65  $(TR
66   $(TD bind)
67   $(TD `string`)
68   $(TD use local address for outgoing connections)
69   $(TD `null`)
70  )
71  $(TR
72   $(TD useStreaming)
73   $(TD `bool`)
74   $(TD receive response data as `InputRange` in case it can't fit memory)
75   $(TD `false`)
76  )
77  $(TR
78   $(TD addHeaders)
79   $(TD `string[string]`)
80   $(TD custom headers)
81   $(TD `null`)
82  )
83  $(TR
84   $(TD cookie)
85   $(TD `Cookie[]`)
86   $(TD cookies you will send to server)
87   $(TD `null`)
88  )
89  $(TR
90   $(TD authenticator)
91   $(TD `Auth`)
92   $(TD authenticator)
93   $(TD `null`)
94  )
95  $(TR
96   $(TD socketFactory)
97   $(TD see doc for socketFactory)
98   $(TD user-provided connection factory)
99   $(TD `null`)
100  )
101 )
103  * Example:
104  * ---
105  * import requests;
106  * import std.datetime;
107  *
108  * void main()
109  * {
110  *     Request rq = Request();
111  *     Response rs;
112  *     rq.timeout = 10.seconds;
113  *     rq.addHeaders(["User-Agent": "unknown"]);
114  *     rs = rq.get("https://httpbin.org/get");
115  *     assert(rs.code==200);
116  *     rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", "abc");
117  *     assert(rs.code==200);
118  * }
119  * ---
121 */
122 module requests.request;
123 import requests.http;
124 import requests.ftp;
125 import requests.streams;
126 import requests.base;
127 import requests.uri;
129 import std.datetime;
130 import std.conv;
131 import std.range;
132 import std.experimental.logger;
133 import std.format;
134 import std.typecons;
135 import std.stdio;
136 import std.algorithm;
137 import std.uni;
139 import requests.utils;
140 import requests.connmanager;
141 import requests.rangeadapter;
143 alias NetStreamFactory = NetworkStream delegate(string, string, ushort);
145 /**
146  *  'Intercepror' intercepts Request. It can modify request, or log it, or cache it
147  *  or do whatever you need. When done it can return response or
148  *  pass it to next request handler.
149  *                                                                    
150  *   Example:                                                       
151  *   ---
152  *   class ChangePath : Interceptor                              
153  *   {                                                                
154  *      Response opCall(Request r, RequestHandler next)
155  *         {
156  *             r.path = r.path ~ "get";
157  *             auto rs = next.handle(r);
158  *             return rs;
159  *         }                                                                 
160  *   }                                                                
161  *   ---                                                              
162  *   Later in the code you can use this class:    
163  *   Example:                                                        
164  *   ---
165  *   Request rq;
166  *   rq.addInterceptor(new ChangePath());
167  *   rq.get("http://example.com");
168  *   ---
169  *
170 */
171 interface Interceptor {
172     Response opCall(Request r, RequestHandler next);
173 }
174 class RequestHandler {
175     private Interceptor[] _interceptors;
176     this(Interceptor[] i)
177     {
178         _interceptors = i;
179     }
180     Response handle(Request r)
181     {
182         auto i = _interceptors.front();
183         _interceptors.popFront();
184         return i(r, this);
185     }
186 }
188 private Interceptor[] _static_interceptors;
189 /**
190  * Add module-level interceptor. Each Request will include it in the processing.
191  * it is handy as you can change behaviour of your requests without any changes
192  * in your code, just install interceptor before any call to Request().
193 */
194 public void addInterceptor(Interceptor i)
195 {
196     _static_interceptors ~= i;
197 }
199 /**
200  * Structure Request provides configuration, connection pooling, cookie
201  * persistance. You can consider it as 'Session'.
202 */
203 public struct Request {
204     private {
205         /// use streaming when receive response
206         bool                    _useStreaming;
208         /// limit redirect number
209         uint                    _maxRedirects = 10;
211         /// Auth provider
212         Auth                    _authenticator;
214         /// maximum headers length
215         size_t                  _maxHeadersLength = 32 * 1024;   // 32 KB
217         /// maximum content length
218         size_t                  _maxContentLength;               // 0 - Unlimited
220         /// logging verbosity
221         uint                    _verbosity = 0;
223         /// use keepalive requests
224         bool                    _keepAlive = true;
226         /// io buffer size
227         size_t                  _bufferSize = 16*1024;
229         /// http/https proxy
230         string                  _proxy;
232         /// content type for POST/PUT requests
233         string                  _contentType;                     // content type for POST/PUT payloads
235         /// timeout for connect/send/receive
236         Duration                _timeout = 30.seconds;
238         /// verify peer when using ssl
239         bool                    _sslSetVerifyPeer = true;
240         SSLOptions              _sslOptions;
242         /// bind outgoing connections to this addr (name or ip)
243         string                  _bind;
245         _UH                     _userHeaders;
247         /// user-provided headers(use addHeader to add)
248         string[string]          _headers;
249         //
251         // instrumentation
252         /// user-provided socket factory
253         NetStreamFactory        _socketFactory;
255         /// user-provided interceptors
256         Interceptor[]           _interceptors;
257         //
259         // parameters for each request
260         /// uri for the request
261         URI                     _uri;
262         /// method (GET, POST, ...)
263         string                  _method;
264         /// request parameters
265         QueryParam[]            _params;
266         /// multipart form (for multipart POST requests)
267         MultipartForm           _multipartForm;
268         /// unified interface for post data
269         InputRangeAdapter       _postData;
270         //
272         // can be changed during execution
273         /// connection cache
274         RefCounted!ConnManager  _cm;                              // connection manager
275         /// cookie storage
276         RefCounted!Cookies      _cookie;                          // cookies received
277         /// permanent redirect cache
278         string[URI]             _permanent_redirects;             // cache 301 redirects for GET requests
279         //
281     }
282     /** Get/Set timeout on connection and IO operation.
283      *  **v** - timeout value
284      *  If timeout expired Request operation will throw $(B TimeoutException).
285      */
286     mixin(Getter_Setter!Duration("timeout"));
287     mixin(Getter_Setter!bool("keepAlive"));
288     mixin(Getter_Setter!uint("maxRedirects"));
289     mixin(Getter_Setter!size_t("maxContentLength"));
290     mixin(Getter_Setter!size_t("maxHeadersLength"));
291     mixin(Getter_Setter!size_t("bufferSize"));
292     mixin(Getter_Setter!uint("verbosity"));
293     mixin(Getter_Setter!Auth("authenticator"));
294     /// set proxy property.
295     /// $(B v) - full url to proxy.
296     ///
297     /// Note that we recognize proxy settings from process environment (see $(LINK https://github.com/ikod/dlang-requests/issues/46)):
298     /// you can use http_proxy, https_proxy, all_proxy (as well as uppercase names).
299     mixin(Getter_Setter!string("proxy"));
300     mixin(Getter_Setter!string("method"));
301     mixin(Getter("uri"));
302     mixin(Getter("params"));
303     mixin(Getter("contentType"));
304     mixin(Getter_Setter!InputRangeAdapter("postData"));
305     mixin(Getter("permanent_redirects"));
306     mixin(Getter("multipartForm"));
307     mixin(Getter_Setter!NetStreamFactory("socketFactory"));
308     mixin(Getter_Setter!bool("useStreaming"));
309     mixin(Getter_Setter!(RefCounted!Cookies)("cookie"));
310     mixin(Getter_Setter!string("bind"));
311     mixin(Getter_Setter!(string[string])("headers"));
313     /**
314         Set and Get uri for next request.
315      */
316     @property void uri(string u) pure @safe
317     {
318         _uri = URI(u);
319     }
321     /**
322         Set/Get path for next request.
323     */
324     @property void path(string p) pure @nogc
325     {
326         _uri.path = p;
327     }
328     /**
329         ditto
330     */
331     @property string path() const @safe pure @nogc
332     {
333         return _uri.path;
334     }
336     mixin(Getter("sslOptions"));
337     /**
338         Enable/disable ssl peer verification..
339     */
340     @property void sslSetVerifyPeer(bool v) pure @safe nothrow @nogc {
341         _sslOptions.setVerifyPeer(v);
342     }
343     /**
344         Set path and format for ssl key file.
345     */
346     @property void sslSetKeyFile(string p, SSLOptions.filetype t = SSLOptions.filetype.pem) pure @safe nothrow @nogc {
347         _sslOptions.setKeyFile(p, t);
348     }
349     /**
350         Set path and format for ssl certificate file.
351     */
352     @property void sslSetCertFile(string p, SSLOptions.filetype t = SSLOptions.filetype.pem) pure @safe nothrow @nogc {
353         _sslOptions.setCertFile(p, t);
354     }
355     /**
356         Set path to certificate authority file.
357     */
358     @property void sslSetCaCert(string path) pure @safe nothrow @nogc {
359         _sslOptions.setCaCert(path);
360     }
362     /*
363         userHeaders keep bitflags for user-setted important headers
364     */
365     package @property auto userHeaders() pure @safe nothrow @nogc
366     {
367         return _userHeaders;
368     }
370     /++
371      + Add headers to request
372      + Params:
373      + headers = headers to send.
374      + Example:
375      + ---
376      +    rq = Request();
377      +    rq.keepAlive = true;
378      +    rq.addHeaders(["X-Header": "test"]);
379      + ---
380      +/
381     void addHeaders(in string[string] headers) {
382         foreach(pair; headers.byKeyValue) {
383             string _h = pair.key;
384             switch(toLower(_h)) {
385                 case "host":
386                     _userHeaders.Host = true;
387                     break;
388                 case "user-agent":
389                     _userHeaders.UserAgent = true;
390                     break;
391                 case "content-length":
392                     _userHeaders.ContentLength = true;
393                     break;
394                 case "content-type":
395                     _userHeaders.ContentType = true;
396                     break;
397                 case "connection":
398                     _userHeaders.Connection = true;
399                     break;
400                 case "cookie":
401                     _userHeaders.Cookie = true;
402                     break;
403                 default:
404                     break;
405             }
406             _headers[pair.key] = pair.value;
407         }
408     }
409     ///
410     /// Remove any previously added headers.
411     ///
412     void clearHeaders() {
413         _headers = null;
414         _userHeaders = _UH.init;
415     }
416     /// Execute GET for http and retrieve file for FTP.
417     /// You have to provide at least $(B uri). All other arguments should conform to HTTPRequest.get or FTPRequest.get depending on the URI scheme.
418     /// When arguments do not conform scheme (for example you try to call get("ftp://somehost.net/pub/README", {"a":"b"}) which doesn't make sense)
419     /// you will receive Exception("Operation not supported for ftp")
420     ///
422     /// Execute POST for http and STOR file for FTP.
423     /// You have to provide  $(B uri) and data. Data should conform to HTTPRequest.post or FTPRequest.post depending on the URI scheme.
424     /// When arguments do not conform scheme you will receive Exception("Operation not supported for ftp")
425     ///
427     Response exec(string method="GET", A...)(string url, A args)
428     {
429         return execute(method, url, args);
430     }
431     Response exec(string method="GET")(string url, string[string] query)
432     {
433         return execute(method, url, aa2params(query));
434     }
435     string toString() const {
436         return "Request(%s, %s)".format(_method, _uri.uri());
437     }
438     string format(string fmt) const {
439         import std.array;
440         import std.stdio;
441         auto a = appender!string();
442         auto f = FormatSpec!char(fmt);
443         while (f.writeUpToNextSpec(a)) {
444             switch(f.spec) {
445                 case 'h':
446                 // Remote hostname.
447                 a.put(_uri.host);
448                 break;
449                 case 'm':
450                 // method.
451                 a.put(_method);
452                 break;
453                 case 'p':
454                 // Remote port.
455                 a.put("%d".format(_uri.port));
456                 break;
457                 case 'P':
458                 // Path
459                 a.put(_uri.path);
460                 break;
461                 case 'q':
462                 // query parameters supplied with url.
463                 a.put(_uri.query);
464                 break;
465                 case 'U':
466                 a.put(_uri.uri());
467                 break;
468                 default:
469                 throw new FormatException("Unknown Request format spec " ~ f.spec);
470             }
471         }
472         return a.data();
473     }
474     @property auto cm() {
475         return _cm;
476     }
477     /// helper
478     @property bool hasMultipartForm() const
479     {
480         return !_multipartForm.empty;
481     }
482     /// Add interceptor to request.
483     void addInterceptor(Interceptor i)
484     {
485         _interceptors ~= i;
486     }
488     package class LastInterceptor : Interceptor
489     {
490         Response opCall(Request r, RequestHandler _)
491         {
492             switch (r._uri.scheme)
493             {
494                 case "ftp":
495                     FTPRequest ftp;
496                     return ftp.execute(r);
497                 case "https","http":
498                     HTTPRequest http;
499                     return http.execute(r);
500                 default:
501                     assert(0, "".format(r._uri.scheme));
502             }
503         }
504     }
505     Response post(string uri, string[string] query)
506     {
507         return execute("POST", uri, aa2params(query));
508     }
509     Response post(string uri, QueryParam[] query)
510     {
511         return execute("POST", uri, query);
512     }
513     Response post(string uri, MultipartForm form)
514     {
515         return execute("POST", uri, form);
516     }
517     Response post(R)(string uri, R content, string contentType="application/octet-stream")
518     {
519         return execute("POST", uri, content, contentType);
520     }
522     Response get(string uri, string[string] query)
523     {
524         return execute("GET", uri, aa2params(query));
525     }
526     Response get(string uri, QueryParam[] params = null)
527     {
528         return execute("GET", uri, params);
529     }
530     Response put(string uri, QueryParam[] query)
531     {
532         return execute("PUT", uri, query);
533     }
534     Response put(string uri, MultipartForm form)
535     {
536         return execute("PUT", uri, form);
537     }
538     Response put(R)(string uri, R content, string contentType="application/octet-stream")
539     {
540         return execute("PUT", uri, content, contentType);
541     }
542     Response patch(string uri, QueryParam[] query)
543     {
544         return execute("PATCH", uri, query);
545     }
546     Response patch(string uri, MultipartForm form)
547     {
548         return execute("PATCH", uri, form);
549     }
550     Response patch(R)(string uri, R content, string contentType="application/octet-stream")
551     {
552         return execute("PATCH", uri, content, contentType);
553     }
554     Response deleteRequest(string uri, string[string] query)
555     {
556         return execute("DELETE", uri, aa2params(query));
557     }
558     Response deleteRequest(string uri, QueryParam[] params = null)
559     {
560         return execute("DELETE", uri, params);
561     }
562     Response execute(R)(string method, string url, R content, string ct = "application/octet-stream") if (isInputRange!R)
563     {
564         _method = method;
565         _uri = URI(url);
566         _uri.idn_encode();
567         _params = null;
568         _multipartForm = MultipartForm.init;
569         _contentType = ct;
570         _postData = makeAdapter(content);
571         // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10535
572         _permanent_redirects[URI.init] = ""; _permanent_redirects.remove(URI.init);
573         //
574         if ( _cm.refCountedStore().refCount() == 0)
575         {
576             _cm = RefCounted!ConnManager(10);
577         }
578         if ( _cookie.refCountedStore().refCount() == 0)
579         {
580             _cookie = RefCounted!Cookies(Cookies());
581         }
582         auto interceptors = _static_interceptors ~ _interceptors ~ new LastInterceptor();
583         auto handler = new RequestHandler(interceptors);
584         return handler.handle(this);
585     }
586     Response execute(string method, string url, MultipartForm form)
587     {
588         _method = method;
589         _uri = URI(url);
590         _uri.idn_encode();
591         _params = null;
592         _multipartForm = form;
594         // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10535
595         _permanent_redirects[URI.init] = ""; _permanent_redirects.remove(URI.init);
596         //
598         if ( _cm.refCountedStore().refCount() == 0)
599         {
600             _cm = RefCounted!ConnManager(10);
601         }
602         if ( _cookie.refCountedStore().refCount() == 0)
603         {
604             _cookie = RefCounted!Cookies(Cookies());
605         }
606         auto interceptors = _static_interceptors ~ _interceptors ~ new LastInterceptor();
607         auto handler = new RequestHandler(interceptors);
608         return handler.handle(this);
609     }
610     Response execute(string method, string url, QueryParam[] params = null)
611     {
612         _method = method;
613         _uri = URI(url);
614         _uri.idn_encode();
615         _multipartForm = MultipartForm.init;
616         _params = params;
618         // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10535
619         _permanent_redirects[URI.init] = ""; _permanent_redirects.remove(URI.init);
620         //
621         if ( _cm.refCountedStore().refCount() == 0)
622         {
623             _cm = RefCounted!ConnManager(10);
624         }
625         if ( _cookie.refCountedStore().refCount() == 0)
626         {
627             _cookie = RefCounted!Cookies(Cookies());
628         }
629         auto interceptors = _static_interceptors ~ _interceptors ~ new LastInterceptor();
630         auto handler = new RequestHandler(interceptors);
631         auto r = handler.handle(this);
632         return r;
633     }
634 }
636 unittest {
637     info("testing Request");
638     int interceptorCalls;
640     class DummyInterceptor : Interceptor {
641         Response opCall(Request r, RequestHandler next)
642         {
643             interceptorCalls++;
644             auto rs = next.handle(r);
645             return rs;
646         }
647     }
648     globalLogLevel = LogLevel.info;
649     Request rq;
650     Response rs;
651     rq.addInterceptor(new DummyInterceptor());
653     rs = rq.execute("GET", "http://httpbin.org/");
654     rq.useStreaming = true;
655     rq.bufferSize = 128;
656     rs = rq.execute("GET", "http://httpbin.org/");
657     auto s = rs.receiveAsRange;
658     while (!s.empty)
659     {
660         s.front;
661         s.popFront();
662     }
663     assert(interceptorCalls == 2, "Expected interceptorCalls==2, got %d".format(interceptorCalls));
665     // test global/static interceptors
666     //
667     // save and clear static_interceptors
668     Interceptor[] saved_interceptors = _static_interceptors;
669     scope(exit)
670     {
671         _static_interceptors = saved_interceptors;
672     }
673     _static_interceptors.length = 0;
675     // add RqModifier to  static_interceptors
676     class RqModifier : Interceptor {
677         Response opCall(Request r, RequestHandler next)
678         {
679             r.path = "/get";
680             r.method = "GET";
681             auto rs = next.handle(r);
682             return rs;
683         }
684     }
685     addInterceptor(new RqModifier());
686     // from now any request will pass through Pathmodifier without changing your code:
687     rq = Request();
688     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/");
689     assert(rs.uri.path == "/get", "Expected /get, but got %s".format(rs.uri.path));
691     rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", "abc");
692     assert(rs.code == 200);
693     assert(rs.uri().path() == "/get");
695     rs = rq.put("http://httpbin.org/put", "abc");
696     assert(rs.code == 200);
697     assert(rs.uri().path() == "/get");
699     rs = rq.patch("http://httpbin.org/patch", "abc");
700     assert(rs.code == 200);
701     assert(rs.uri().path() == "/get");
703     rs = rq.deleteRequest("http://httpbin.org/delete");
704     assert(rs.uri.path == "/get", "Expected /get, but got %s".format(rs.uri.path));
705 }
707 struct _LineReader
708 {
709     private
710     {
711         Request        _rq;
712         ReceiveAsRange _stream;
713         LineSplitter   _lineSplitter;
714         ubyte[]        _data;
715     }
716     this(ref Request rq, ref Response rs)
717     {
718         _rq = rq;
719         _stream = rs.receiveAsRange();
720         _lineSplitter = new LineSplitter();
721         while(_lineSplitter.empty && !_stream.empty)
722         {
723             auto d = _stream.front();
724             _lineSplitter.putNoCopy(d);
725             _stream.popFront();
726         }
727         if (_lineSplitter.empty && _stream.empty)
728         {
729             _lineSplitter.flush();
730         }
731         _data = _lineSplitter.get();
732     }
733     bool empty()
734     {
735         return _data.length == 0;
736     }
737     ubyte[] front()
738     {
739         return _data;
740     }
741     void popFront()
742     {
743         if (!_lineSplitter.empty)
744         {
745             _data = _lineSplitter.get();
746             debug(requests) tracef("data1 = <<<%s>>>", cast(string)_data);
747             return;
748         }
749         if ( _stream.empty )
750         {
751             _lineSplitter.flush();
752             _data = _lineSplitter.get();
753             debug(requests) tracef("data2 = <<<%s>>>", cast(string)_data);
754             return;
755         }
756         while(_lineSplitter.empty && !_stream.empty)
757         {
758             auto d = _stream.front();
759             _lineSplitter.putNoCopy(d);
760             _stream.popFront();
761         }
762         _data = _lineSplitter.get();
763         debug(requests) tracef("data3 = <<<%s>>>", cast(string)_data);
764     }
765 }