1 module requests;
3 public import requests.http;
4 public import requests.ftp;
5 public import requests.streams;
6 public import requests.base;
7 public import requests.uri;
9 import std.datetime;
10 import std.conv;
11 import std.experimental.logger;
12 import requests.uri;
14 /***********************************
15  * This is simplest interface to both http and ftp protocols.
16  * Request has methods get, post and exec which routed to proper concrete handler (http or ftp, etc).
17  * To enable some protocol-specific featutes you have to use protocol interface directly (see docs for HTTPRequest or FTPRequest)
18  */
19 struct Request {
20     private {
21         URI         _uri;
22         HTTPRequest _http;  // route all http/https requests here
23         FTPRequest  _ftp;   // route all ftp requests here
24     }
25     /// Set timeout on IO operation.
26     /// $(B v) - timeout value
27     /// 
28     @property void timeout(Duration v) pure @nogc nothrow {
29         _http.timeout = v;
30         _ftp.timeout = v;
31     }
32     /// Set http keepAlive value
33     /// $(B v) - use keepalive requests - $(B true), or not - $(B false)
34     @property void keepAlive(bool v) pure @nogc nothrow {
35         _http.keepAlive = v;
36     }
37     /// Set limit on HTTP redirects
38     /// $(B v) - limit on redirect depth
39     @property void maxRedirects(uint v) pure @nogc nothrow {
40         _http.maxRedirects = v;
41     }
42     /// Set maximum content lenth both for http and ftp requests
43     /// $(B v) - maximum content length in bytes. When limit reached - throw RequestException
44     @property void maxContentLength(size_t v) pure @nogc nothrow {
45         _http.maxContentLength = v;
46         _ftp.maxContentLength = v;
47     }
48     /// Set maximum length for HTTP headers
49     /// $(B v) - maximum length of the HTTP response. When limit reached - throw RequestException
50     @property void maxHeadersLength(size_t v) pure @nogc nothrow {
51         _http.maxHeadersLength = v;
52     }
53     /// Set IO buffer size for http and ftp requests
54     /// $(B v) - buffer size in bytes.
55     @property void bufferSize(size_t v) {
56         _http.bufferSize = v;
57         _ftp.bufferSize = v;
58     }
59     /// Set verbosity for HTTP or FTP requests.
60     /// $(B v) - verbosity level (0 - no output, 1 - headers to stdout, 2 - headers and body progress to stdout). default = 0.
61     @property void verbosity(uint v) {
62         _http.verbosity = v;
63         _ftp.verbosity = v;
64     }
65     /// Set authenticator for http requests.
66     /// $(B v) - Auth instance.
67     @property void authenticator(Auth v) {
68         _http.authenticator = v;
69     }
70     /// Set Cookie for http requests.
71     /// $(B v) - array of cookie.
72     @property void cookie(Cookie[] v) pure @nogc nothrow {
73         _http.cookie = v;
74     }
75     /// Get Cookie for http requests.
76     /// $(B v) - array of cookie.
77     @property Cookie[] cookie()  pure @nogc nothrow {
78         return _http.cookie;
79     }
80     /// Execute GET for http and retrieve file for FTP.
81     /// You have to provide at least $(B uri). All other arguments should conform to HTTPRequest.get or FTPRequest.get depending on the URI scheme.
82     /// When arguments do not conform scheme (for example you try to call get("ftp://somehost.net/pub/README", {"a":"b"}) which doesn't make sense)
83     /// you will receive Exception("Operation not supported for ftp")
84     ///
85     Response get(A...)(string uri, A args) {
86         if ( uri ) {
87             _uri = URI(uri);
88         }
89         final switch ( _uri.scheme ) {
90             case "http", "https":
91                 _http.uri = _uri;
92                 static if (__traits(compiles, _http.get(null, args))) {
93                     return _http.get(null, args);
94                 } else {
95                     throw new Exception("Operation not supported for http");
96                 }
97             case "ftp":
98                 static if (args.length == 0) {
99                     return _ftp.get(uri);
100                 } else {
101                     throw new Exception("Operation not supported for ftp");
102                 }
103         }
104     }
105     /// Execute POST for http and STOR file for FTP.
106     /// You have to provide  $(B uri) and data. Data should conform to HTTPRequest.post or FTPRequest.post depending on the URI scheme.
107     /// When arguments do not conform scheme you will receive Exception("Operation not supported for ftp")
108     ///
109     Response post(A...)(string uri, A args) {
110         if ( uri ) {
111             _uri = URI(uri);
112         }
113         final switch ( _uri.scheme ) {
114             case "http", "https":
115                 _http.uri = _uri;
116                 static if (__traits(compiles, _http.post(null, args))) {
117                     return _http.post(null, args);
118                 } else {
119                     throw new Exception("Operation not supported for http");
120                 }
121             case "ftp":
122                 static if (__traits(compiles, _ftp.post(uri, args))) {
123                     return _ftp.post(uri, args);
124                 } else {
125                     throw new Exception("Operation not supported for ftp");
126                 }
127         }
128     }
129     Response exec(string method="GET", A...)(A args) {
130         return _http.exec!(method)(args);
131     }
132 }
133 ///
134 package unittest {
135     import std.algorithm;
136     import std.range;
137     import std.array;
138     import std.json;
139     import std.stdio;
140     import std.string;
141     import std.exception;
143     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
145     infof("testing Request");
146     Request rq;
147     Response rs;
148     //
149     rs = rq.get("https://httpbin.org/");
150     assert(rs.code==200);
151     assert(rs.responseBody.length > 0);
152     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/get", ["c":" d", "a":"b"]);
153     assert(rs.code == 200);
154     auto json = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["args"].object;
155     assert(json["c"].str == " d");
156     assert(json["a"].str == "b");
158     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
159     rq = Request();
160     rq.keepAlive = true;
161     // handmade json
162     info("Check POST json");
163     rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post?b=x", `{"a":"☺ ", "c":[1,2,3]}`, "application/json");
164     assert(rs.code==200);
165     json = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["args"].object;
166     assert(json["b"].str == "x");
167     json = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["json"].object;
168     assert(json["a"].str == "☺ ");
169     assert(json["c"].array.map!(a=>a.integer).array == [1,2,3]);
170     {
171         import std.file;
172         import std.path;
173         auto tmpd = tempDir();
174         auto tmpfname = tmpd ~ dirSeparator ~ "request_test.txt";
175         auto f = File(tmpfname, "wb");
176         f.rawWrite("abcdefgh\n12345678\n");
177         f.close();
178         // files
179         globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
180         info("Check POST files");
181         PostFile[] files = [
182         {fileName: tmpfname, fieldName:"abc", contentType:"application/octet-stream"}, 
183         {fileName: tmpfname}
184         ];
185         rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", files);
186         assert(rs.code==200);
187         info("Check POST chunked from file.byChunk");
188         f = File(tmpfname, "rb");
189         rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", f.byChunk(3), "application/octet-stream");
190         assert(rs.code==200);
191         auto data = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["data"].str;
192         assert(data=="abcdefgh\n12345678\n");
193         f.close();
194     }
195     {
196         // string
197         info("Check POST utf8 string");
198         rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", "привiт, свiт!", "application/octet-stream");
199         assert(rs.code==200);
200         auto data = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["data"].str;
201         assert(data=="привiт, свiт!");
202     }
203     // ranges
204     {
205         info("Check POST chunked from lineSplitter");
206         auto s = lineSplitter("one,\ntwo,\nthree.");
207         rs = rq.exec!"POST"("http://httpbin.org/post", s, "application/octet-stream");
208         assert(rs.code==200);
209         auto data = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.toString).object["data"].str;
210         assert(data=="one,two,three.");
211     }
212     {
213         info("Check POST chunked from array");
214         auto s = ["one,", "two,", "three."];
215         rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", s, "application/octet-stream");
216         assert(rs.code==200);
217         auto data = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["data"].str;
218         assert(data=="one,two,three.");
219     }
220     {
221         info("Check POST chunked using std.range.chunks()");
223         rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", s.representation.chunks(10), "application/octet-stream");
224         assert(rs.code==200);
225         auto data = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["data"].str;
226         assert(data==s);
227     }
228     // associative array
229     rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", ["a":"b ", "c":"d"]);
230     assert(rs.code==200);
231     auto form = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["form"].object;
232     assert(form["a"].str == "b ");
233     assert(form["c"].str == "d");
234     info("Check HEAD");
235     rs = rq.exec!"HEAD"("http://httpbin.org/");
236     assert(rs.code==200);
237     info("Check DELETE");
238     rs = rq.exec!"DELETE"("http://httpbin.org/delete");
239     assert(rs.code==200);
240     info("Check PUT");
241     rs = rq.exec!"PUT"("http://httpbin.org/put",  `{"a":"b", "c":[1,2,3]}`, "application/json");
242     assert(rs.code==200);
243     info("Check PATCH");
244     rs = rq.exec!"PATCH"("http://httpbin.org/patch", "привiт, свiт!", "application/octet-stream");
245     assert(rs.code==200);
247     info("Check compressed content");
248     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
249     rq = Request();
250     rq.keepAlive = true;
251     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/gzip");
252     assert(rs.code==200);
253     info("gzip - ok");
254     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/deflate");
255     assert(rs.code==200);
256     info("deflate - ok");
258     info("Check redirects");
259     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
260     rq = Request();
261     rq.keepAlive = true;
262     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/relative-redirect/2");
263     assert((cast(HTTPResponse)rs).history.length == 2);
264     assert((cast(HTTPResponse)rs).code==200);
266     info("Check cookie");
267     rq = Request();
268     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/cookies/set?A=abcd&b=cdef");
269     assert(rs.code == 200);
270     json = parseJSON(rs.responseBody.data).object["cookies"].object;
271     assert(json["A"].str == "abcd");
272     assert(json["b"].str == "cdef");
273     auto cookie = rq.cookie();
274     foreach(c; rq.cookie) {
275         final switch(c.attr) {
276             case "A":
277                 assert(c.value == "abcd");
278                 break;
279             case "b":
280                 assert(c.value == "cdef");
281                 break;
282         }
283     }
284     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/absolute-redirect/2");
285     assert((cast(HTTPResponse)rs).history.length == 2);
286     assert((cast(HTTPResponse)rs).code==200);
287     //    rq = Request();
288     rq.maxRedirects = 2;
289     rq.keepAlive = false;
290     rs = rq.get("https://httpbin.org/absolute-redirect/3");
291     assert((cast(HTTPResponse)rs).history.length == 2);
292     assert((cast(HTTPResponse)rs).code==302);
294     info("Check utf8 content");
295     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
296     rq = Request();
297     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/encoding/utf8");
298     assert(rs.code==200);
300     info("Check chunked content");
301     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
302     rq = Request();
303     rq.keepAlive = true;
304     rq.bufferSize = 16*1024;
305     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/range/1024");
306     assert(rs.code==200);
307     assert(rs.responseBody.length==1024);
309     info("Check basic auth");
310     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
311     rq = Request();
312     rq.authenticator = new BasicAuthentication("user", "passwd");
313     rs = rq.get("http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/passwd");
314     assert(rs.code==200);
316     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
317     info("Check limits");
318     rq = Request();
319     rq.maxContentLength = 1;
320     assertThrown!RequestException(rq.get("http://httpbin.org/"));
321     rq = Request();
322     rq.maxHeadersLength = 1;
323     assertThrown!RequestException(rq.get("http://httpbin.org/"));
324     //
325     info("ftp post ", "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/upload/TEST.TXT");
326     rs = rq.post("ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/upload/TEST.TXT", "test, ignore please\n".representation);
327     assert(rs.code == 226);
328     info("ftp get  ", "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/nonexistent", ", in same session.");
329     rs = rq.get("ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/nonexistent");
330     assert(rs.code != 226);
331     info("ftp get  ", "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/1KB.zip", ", in same session.");
332     rs = rq.get("ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/1KB.zip");
333     assert(rs.code == 226);
334     assert(rs.responseBody.length == 1024);
335     info("ftp get  ", "ftp://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/README");
336     rs = rq.get("ftp://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/README");
337     assert(rs.code == 226);
338     info("ftp post ", "ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/upload/TEST.TXT");
339     rs = rq.post("ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/upload/TEST.TXT", "another test, ignore please\n".representation);
340     assert(rs.code == 226);
341     info("ftp get  ", "ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/FreeBSD/README.TXT");
342     rs = rq.get("ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/FreeBSD/README.TXT");
343     assert(rs.code == 226);
344     info("testing ftp - done.");
345 }
347 auto queryParams(A...)(A args) pure @safe nothrow {
348     QueryParam[] res;
349     static if ( args.length >= 2 ) {
350         res = QueryParam(args[0].to!string, args[1].to!string) ~ queryParams(args[2..$]);
351     }
352     return res;
353 }
354 /**
355  * Call GET, and return response content.
356  * This is the simplest case, when all you need is the response body and have no parameters.
357  * Returns:
358  * Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
359  */
360 public auto getContent(A...)(string url) {
361     auto rq = Request();
362     auto rs = rq.get(url);
363     return rs.responseBody;
364 }
365 /**
366  * Call GET, and return response content.
367  * args = string[string] fo query parameters.
368  * Returns:
369  * Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
370  */
371 public auto getContent(A...)(string url, string[string] args) {
372     auto rq = Request();
373     auto rs = rq.get(url, args);
374     return rs.responseBody;
375 }
376 /**
377  * Call GET, and return response content.
378  * args = QueryParam[] of parameters.
379  * Returns:
380  * Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
381  */
382 public auto getContent(A...)(string url, QueryParam[] args) {
383     auto rq = Request();
384     auto rs = rq.get(url, args);
385     return rs.responseBody;
386 }
387 /**
388  * Call GET, and return response content.
389  * args = variadic args to supply parameter names and values.
390  * Returns:
391  * Buffer!ubyte which you can use as ForwardRange or DirectAccessRange, or extract data with .data() method.
392  */
393 public auto getContent(A...)(string url, A args) if (args.length > 1 && args.length % 2 == 0 ) {
394     return Request().
395             get(url, queryParams(args)).
396             responseBody;
397 }
399 ///
400 package unittest {
401     import std.algorithm;
402     import std.stdio;
403     import std.json;
404     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
405     info("Test getContent");
406     auto r = getContent("https://httpbin.org/stream/20");
407     assert(r.splitter('\n').filter!("a.length>0").count == 20);
408     r = getContent("ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/1KB.zip");
409     assert(r.length == 1024);
410     r = getContent("https://httpbin.org/get", ["a":"b", "c":"d"]);
412     string name = "user", sex = "male";
413     int    age = 42;
414     r = getContent("https://httpbin.org/get", "name", name, "age", age, "sex", sex);
415 }
416 ///
417 package unittest {
418     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
419     info("Test get in parallel");
420     import std.stdio;
421     import std.parallelism;
422     import std.algorithm;
423     import std.string;
424     import core.atomic;
426     immutable auto urls = [
427         "http://httpbin.org/stream/10",
428         "https://httpbin.org/stream/20",
429         "http://httpbin.org/stream/30",
430         "https://httpbin.org/stream/40",
431         "http://httpbin.org/stream/50",
432         "https://httpbin.org/stream/60",
433         "http://httpbin.org/stream/70",
434     ];
436     defaultPoolThreads(5);
438     shared short lines;
440     foreach(url; parallel(urls)) {
441         atomicOp!"+="(lines, getContent(url).splitter("\n").count);
442     }
443     assert(lines == 287);
444 }
446 /**
447  * Call post and return response content.
448  */
449 public auto postContent(A...)(string url, A args) {
450     auto rq = Request();
451     auto rs = rq.post(url, args);
452     return rs.responseBody;
453 }
455 ///
456 package unittest {
457     import std.json;
458     import std.string;
459     import std.stdio;
460     globalLogLevel(LogLevel.info);
461     info("Test postContent");
462     auto r = postContent("http://httpbin.org/post", `{"a":"b", "c":1}`, "application/json");
463     assert(parseJSON(r.data).object["json"].object["c"].integer == 1);
465     /// ftp upload from range
466     info("Test postContent ftp");
467     r = postContent("ftp://speedtest.tele2.net/upload/TEST.TXT", "test, ignore please\n".representation);
468     assert(r.length == 0);
470     /// Posting to forms (for small data)
471     ///
472     /// posting query parameters using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
473     info("Test postContent using query params");
474     postContent("http://httpbin.org/post", queryParams("first", "a", "second", 2));
476     /// posting using multipart/form-data (large data and files). See docs fot HTTPRequest
477     info("Test postContent form");
478     MultipartForm form;
479     form.add(formData(/* field name */ "greeting", /* content */ cast(ubyte[])"hello"));
480     postContent("http://httpbin.org/post", form);
482     /// you can do this using Request struct to access response details
483     info("Test postContent form via Request()");
484     auto rq = Request();
485     form = MultipartForm().add(formData(/* field name */ "greeting", /* content */ cast(ubyte[])"hello"));
486     auto rs = rq.post("http://httpbin.org/post", form);
487     assert(rs.code == 200);
488 }